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Star Trek Armada II Upgrade project

Thanks for your intrest in the A2 Multiplayer background changing utility

Basicially speaking this program allows you to change the background that you have in the multiplayer setup screen. By defualt there are 12 new backgrounds, all you need to do is press one button and the program will copy the new file across and show you what its picked. The program is designed to be easily mod-able so you can easily add in extra backgrounds if you have pictures that you want to use.

This program is designed to be mod-able and it will be supported. If you have extra background pictures please send them to us and they will be hosted here. It goes without saying that credit will be given. If you do want to add your own backgrounds and can't figure out how from the enclosed files then please contact Freyr.

To use, Just unzip this into the "Armada2/bitmaps/multisetup" folder and run it.

Click HERE to download.